
Febrile Diseases

Febrile illnesses are common health problems in children and adults, characterized by a rise in body temperature above normal. A body temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above is usually considered a fever.

Febrile Diseases

Fever is often seen as a sign that the body is fighting infections or other illnesses. Febrile illnesses in children can have many causes and it is important to identify these causes so that appropriate treatment methods can be applied. Here are some common febrile illnesses in children and their characteristics:

  1. Viral Infections

Colds and Flu: Viruses that cause upper respiratory tract infections. It is characterized by a runny nose, cough, sore throat and sometimes fever.

Chickenpox (Varicella): An infectious disease characterized by itchy rashes and mild fever.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella: These are vaccine-preventable diseases characterized by high fever and rashes.

  1. Bacterial Infections

Throat Infections (Streptococcus): Infections characterized by sore throat, fever and enlarged lymph nodes.

Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media): It is associated with ear pain, restlessness and sometimes fever.

Pneumonia (Pneumonia): A serious infection characterized by breathing difficulties, cough and high fever.

  1. Other Febrile Diseases

Urinary System Infections: Burning during urination, frequent urination and fever may be observed.

Gastroenteritis: An infection of the stomach and intestines, characterized by diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

Febrile Seizures: These are temporary seizures caused by high fever, especially in young children.

Management and Treatment of Fever

Fever is considered part of the body’s defense mechanism against infections. However, especially in children, the use of antipyretics (e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen) may be necessary due to the discomfort and potential complications caused by fever. It is important to consult a health professional to identify the underlying cause of the fever and administer appropriate treatment.

Management of febrile illnesses includes reducing fever, ensuring hydration and, if necessary, administering specific treatments such as antibiotics. Since some of the diseases that cause fever in children are preventable with vaccines, it is also important to adhere to the vaccination schedule.


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Febrile Diseases

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